Thursday, October 23, 2008


Please keep Pat in your prayers. She's about 80 and has be diagnosed with a very aggressive leukemia. The doctors have given her 6 months to remain here. The good news is that she knows the Lord.

Pray for comfort for the family and that she can visit the region once more before she goes to her real Home in heaven!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Prayer Needed!

Dear friends, We know a sweet woman named Pat. She is in need of your prayers. She was having trouble with blood clots and had surgery to remove some of them. They put a screen in so others wouldn't travel up her legs. The doctors found out that she had a low white blood cell count and cannot get it to come up. They don't know what's wrong but expect it could be a type of cancer.

Her grown daughter is also in the hospital in a medically induced coma because of some trouble with her diabetes. (Sorry I don't know the details here...)

Please pray for these two situations.

Monday, August 18, 2008

What now?

What a neat privelege to be a listener. The "world" seems to have an answer for everything (actually several different answers), but who is ever there to listen? Over the last week I've had a great reminder that simply hearing from others is one of the most important roles we can fill in the lives of others.
I'm reminded of 2 quotes... "Share a happy thought, double the joy; share a sorrow, half the pain." and...
---uhm, and the second quote I just forgot what it was but it was a good one!

Humanity is so fragile! I asked the questiion today, "WHy do people pretend they have it all together when they really don't?" We're all so afraid of being seen in a negative light that we keep secret the struggles that are really contolling our lives. I'm so thankful the God has seen the depths of our hearts and still loves us. Lets share our weknesses all the more so that the stength of God might be all the greater..."I will boast in my weakness all the more because in my weakness He is strong."

Friday, June 6, 2008

It has been a dog's age since we last posted on this site. Sorry bout that to any loyal "blog-checkers"! We have been moving alla around as usual. We are soooo ready to have a place we call home!!!!!!!!! (could I put enough exclamation marks?) We are still raising our necessary montly support and at last we have broken 55%. It may seem like we've been doing this for a long time to many of you (as it does to us), but it is no easy task to raise all the necessary funds to fund years of ministry- where we can dedicate ourselves fully to reaching college students. It has been a time of seeing so many caring people show us grace by lending a hand or by investing in the awesome ministry God has put before us. We are praying that a miracle will get us to campus before that clutch 1st week of class. If we don't reach the students that 1st week we'll be playing catch-up for the next 4 years of their college life.

Technology Troubles

Sorry our printings are coming out late. We have had many printer troubles but alas, they are finished.

We want to congratulate our friends who have graduated this year. Woo Hoo!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Semester's Almost Over

This is the time of the semester that "summer fever" hits. It's also the time for Finals.... ugh!

We are so excited what God has done on the campus at WVU this past year. God has been working to mobilize students to reach others with the gospel.

How great that 34 students from WVU have followed God's call in their lives to Go, make disciples of all nations... (Mt 28:18) That's right, WVU is sending 34 students on summer projects. These projects are designed to teach valuable leadership skills and give students the opportunity to do evangelism. 20 of those students will be going overseas!

As the semester is finishing up, we ask that you join us in prayer:
1) Pray for the college students who are completing their last week of class and beginning to study for their finals.
2) Pray for high school seniors who are completing their last month of high school and are preparing to head off to college.
3) Pray for the staff and students who will heading to summer project this month.
4) Pray that God will enable us to be on campus this fall.

Thanks for your partnership in prayer. Please let us know how we can be praying for you. I'd like to close with the words of Don Moen's song, Sing for Joy

Sing for joy to God our strength
Sing for joy to God our strength, our strength

If we call to Him, He will answer us
If we run to Him, He will run to us
If we lift our hands, He will lift us up

Come now praise his name, all you saints of God.

Draw near to Him, he is here with us
Give Him your love, He's in love with us
He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse our hands
If we rend our hearts He will heal our land.

Praise God!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

We've all been hoping that the college and high school shootings would fade into history and things would return to normal... but I'm afraid they are here to stay and the frequency of cowardly shooters is only growing. My senior year at WVU I had the privelege of meeting Darrell Scott (the father of Rachel Scott-a student killed at Columbine). I was the emcee for a crowd of almost 2000 who came to hear Rachel's story through her father. It made these types of shootings more real to me. I talked to a father who lost his daughter because 2 boys created their own violent reality that had no value for the lives of others or themselves. How can kids commit these kinds of killing sprees? Coming from a Theistic worldview, I guess it is only natural for me to say that these shootings are occuring because children are no longer viewing their own lives and the lives of others from a God-honoring perspective. Isn't it evident that the morality of a society has always followed the mood toward Christian principles.

Even Ghandi (who denyed the Christian faith) had the intuition to see what becomes of a people seperated from moral truth. He wrote for his son a list of the world's 7 deadly sins:

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice

I think these are all very true of our current culture but not necesarily the cause of our problems... but more like the symptoms of a people who are living religiously without a relationship with Christ.

We feel a real burden for college students in the midst of all the recent shootings. Students are hungry for answers and are desperate to understand why they are here. We want to be helping students find truth!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Corey and I are amazed at how God continually works on our behalf. We have been so blessed and encouraged by God's people these past couple weeks. They have truly displayed God's heart to us. Thanks be to God for his provision!

Monday, January 21, 2008

A Letter to Our Supporters

We hope that you have had time to reflect on the blessings that God has provided for you and your family this past year. We are reminded anew with the celebration of Christ’s birth, that God is eternally good to us.
Looking back over the year we have seen how God has provided for us through the gifts, prayers and hospitality of others. You prayed and supported our decision to leave the business world and enter full-time ministry. Many of you helped us reach Colorado for training and gave us food and shelter when we returned to Dallas with no place to live. Some strong guys helped us move out of our Dallas house into storage and then into a Budget truck two months later. We are so grateful to those of you that have been faithfully praying and partnering with us financially.
Without your support in our lives, the decision to step out as full-time missionaries would have been much more difficult! We are thankful that God has used you in so many ways to bless our lives and we are eternally grateful.