Thursday, February 14, 2008

We've all been hoping that the college and high school shootings would fade into history and things would return to normal... but I'm afraid they are here to stay and the frequency of cowardly shooters is only growing. My senior year at WVU I had the privelege of meeting Darrell Scott (the father of Rachel Scott-a student killed at Columbine). I was the emcee for a crowd of almost 2000 who came to hear Rachel's story through her father. It made these types of shootings more real to me. I talked to a father who lost his daughter because 2 boys created their own violent reality that had no value for the lives of others or themselves. How can kids commit these kinds of killing sprees? Coming from a Theistic worldview, I guess it is only natural for me to say that these shootings are occuring because children are no longer viewing their own lives and the lives of others from a God-honoring perspective. Isn't it evident that the morality of a society has always followed the mood toward Christian principles.

Even Ghandi (who denyed the Christian faith) had the intuition to see what becomes of a people seperated from moral truth. He wrote for his son a list of the world's 7 deadly sins:

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice

I think these are all very true of our current culture but not necesarily the cause of our problems... but more like the symptoms of a people who are living religiously without a relationship with Christ.

We feel a real burden for college students in the midst of all the recent shootings. Students are hungry for answers and are desperate to understand why they are here. We want to be helping students find truth!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Corey and I are amazed at how God continually works on our behalf. We have been so blessed and encouraged by God's people these past couple weeks. They have truly displayed God's heart to us. Thanks be to God for his provision!