Monday, August 18, 2008

What now?

What a neat privelege to be a listener. The "world" seems to have an answer for everything (actually several different answers), but who is ever there to listen? Over the last week I've had a great reminder that simply hearing from others is one of the most important roles we can fill in the lives of others.
I'm reminded of 2 quotes... "Share a happy thought, double the joy; share a sorrow, half the pain." and...
---uhm, and the second quote I just forgot what it was but it was a good one!

Humanity is so fragile! I asked the questiion today, "WHy do people pretend they have it all together when they really don't?" We're all so afraid of being seen in a negative light that we keep secret the struggles that are really contolling our lives. I'm so thankful the God has seen the depths of our hearts and still loves us. Lets share our weknesses all the more so that the stength of God might be all the greater..."I will boast in my weakness all the more because in my weakness He is strong."