Monday, January 21, 2008

A Letter to Our Supporters

We hope that you have had time to reflect on the blessings that God has provided for you and your family this past year. We are reminded anew with the celebration of Christ’s birth, that God is eternally good to us.
Looking back over the year we have seen how God has provided for us through the gifts, prayers and hospitality of others. You prayed and supported our decision to leave the business world and enter full-time ministry. Many of you helped us reach Colorado for training and gave us food and shelter when we returned to Dallas with no place to live. Some strong guys helped us move out of our Dallas house into storage and then into a Budget truck two months later. We are so grateful to those of you that have been faithfully praying and partnering with us financially.
Without your support in our lives, the decision to step out as full-time missionaries would have been much more difficult! We are thankful that God has used you in so many ways to bless our lives and we are eternally grateful.